Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Wait Continues...

So it is May now - and I have successfully undermined my typical procrastination skills to have actually completed the set up of this Blog before my departure- one of my only connections with all of you for the next couple of years. Of course I hope that you all will partake in the antiquated art of letter writing (yes I mean snail mail) - an act which I will gladly receive and return. My address for at least the first two months during training will be:
Brette Soucie/PCT
P.O. BOX 21527
For those of you I have yet to talk to, my program is called LIFE - Linking Income, Food, and the Environment. All I really know so far is that I will be a forestry extension agent living next to a Game Management Area. My main assignment will be to conserve the biodiversity of that area (sounds too easy huh?!?) through the forming of community groups designed to facilitate the development of their villages, teaching of sustainable agriculture, revising environmental ed curriculum, creating small business opportunities, etc. Pretty vague description at this point but I will be sure to fill in some details once I arrive.

So until then, I am living on the Cape - working in a wildlife rehab center (primarily feeding orphaned squirrels) which is tiring though completely rewarding. I urge you all to look up your local rehabbers so in the case you pass a poor critter in the road, or unwarily basking on the beach, you will be able to give them a helping hand! Sorry for the preaching ( I really try not to do that!)...I hope to hear from you all soon...or sometime within the next couple years...or better yet I hope to see you in Zambia! You have a place to stay! I will probably post again closer to my departure (June 5th) or once I am there. Smile, Stay Happy, No Worries